make sure you have shut down openhab (if running on a console, just use ctrl & c, and it will shut down tidily).
I leave the demo files there, just rename them so they don't get processed for now. I append '.orig' to all the config files in folders items, persistence, rules, scripts & sitemaps.
Now create a file openhab/configurations/items/mypi.items:
Group gKitchen "kitchen"and a file openhab/configurations/sitemaps/simplemap.sitemap:
Group gLiving "living room"
Group allLights "all lights"
Switch Light_living_main "ceiling" (gLiving,allLights) {zwave="2"}
Switch Light_living_down "downlights" (gLiving,allLights) {zwave="3"}
sitemap demo label="Pootle's place"restart openhab -
Frame label="rooms" {
Group item=gKitchen label="kitchen" icon="firstfloor"
Group item=gLiving label="living room" icon="firstfloor"
./start.shand point your browser at
http://<your pi nameoraddress here>:8080/ you should get a simple view. Once good feature is that you can change configuration files 'on the fly' and openhab will update itself, yo udon't need to restart it.
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